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How Do I Indicate IIPG Membership in Credits?

Submitted by Editor on Sun, 01/09/2022 - 20:30

How Does an IIPG member indicate Guild affiliation on resumes, screen credits, etc?

A Full Member in good standing of the IIPG is entitled to use the initials "IIPG" after her or his name in credits, resumes, professional communications, etc., essentially anywhere one would use any similar professional designation.

The IIPG logo / Stamp may be displayed in credits, advertising and trade listings of completed productions on application and accreditation by the IIPG Credentials Board. To be eligible, the production must have used certain percentage of IIPG members in it's production (the percent is variable based on budget and availability of IIPG members to the production), and otherwise certify to have followed IIPG producing guidelines.

Accreditation may be obtained in advance, in certain circumstances. To apply for accreditation, contact your IIPG representative directly.

IIPG Logo, trade and service marks may not be used by anyone under any circumstances without advance and specific written consent.